With all the speculation about the coming Apple Tablet: What Apple really is looking for is a new revenue stream from the publishing industry. That is the claim of Ben Kunz in this interesting video.
Apple Tablet Saves the World from Ben Kunz on Vimeo.
Ben Kunz is an expert on internet advertising trends and director of strategic planning at Mediassociates. (Twitter: @benkunz).
I came across this interesting video on the advertising blog Thought Gadgets. It is worth looking through – and he makes some valid points about possible consequences for both the publishing and advertising industry.
For publishers the most interesting aspect of the tablet will not be the technological possibilities built into the tablet, but what type of business model Apple will present for media content. Will it be subscription based or will the products be disaggregated with the single piece of article being the core unit for sale? How much of the revenue stream will be given to the publishers?
Ben Kunz’ thinks a major interest of Apple in launching the tablet will be to tap into the revenue streams of publishers, just like Apple did in the music industry with iPod and iPhone.
But he also points out how mobile advertising never has taken off. Every year experts have lowered their predictions for mobile advertising revenues. The reason, according to Kunz, is that mobile advertising is not working, one of the reasons being the small screens. He thinks Apple’s Tablet will create a new opportunity for mobile advertising to take off.
What do you think?